Blog posting

Blog posting

Hi everyone,

As many of you know, we use to publish a monthly newsletter years ago called the "Curious Cultivator".  I miss writing those and sharing with everyone, however, as the business has grown, it has been impossible to keep up such a format.  I am giving this blog a try.  My goal is to create a place everyone can find regardless of social media channels and preferences etc.  This format is considerably more feasible.  So, please visit here for updates and maybe even some extras here and there.  If you have any specifics you would like me to cover or things you want to see in this blog, please let me know your suggestions.  I'm open to all the ideas.

I've included an image of the garden gnome we used in the old newsletter just for fun.  We got a little creative adding different items to him monthly.  This would have been August "Back to School".  I tried to find a Patriotic version, but couldn't locate it.   Let us know if you remember him.  

Until next time, be well and have a wonderful day.


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